
Here are a few selected publications/presentations that highlight some of my research interests in perception. For a more complete listing of recent work, please visit my Publications page.

Pictorial and ocular cues to depth

ChromaBlur: Rendering chromatic eye aberration improves accommodation and realism
Steven A. Cholewiak, Gordon S. Love, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Ren Ng, & Martin S. Banks (2017). ChromaBlur: Rendering chromatic eye aberration improves accommodation and realism. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 36. doi: 10.1145/3130800.3130815
Varifocal virtuality: a novel optical layout for near-eye display
Kaan Akşit, Ward Lopes, Jonghyun Kim, Josef Spjut, Anjul Patney, Peter Shirley, David Luebke, Steven A. Cholewiak, Pratul Srinivasan, Ren Ng, Martin S. Banks, & Gordon D. Love (2017). Varifocal virtuality: a novel optical layout for near-eye display. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Emerging Technologies, (pp. 25). doi: 10.1145/3084822.3084829
ChromaBlur: Rendering chromatic eye aberration improves accommodation and realism in HMDs
Martin S. Banks, Steven A. Cholewiak, Gordon D. Love, Pratul Srinivasan, & Ren Ng (2017). ChromaBlur: Rendering chromatic eye aberration improves accommodation and realism in HMDs. In 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, (pp. DM2F--1). doi: 10.1364/3D.2017.DM2F.1

3D shape perception

Distinguishing between texture and shading flows for 3D shape estimation
Steven A. Cholewiak, Romain Vergne, Benjamin Kunsberg, Steven W. Zucker, & Roland W. Fleming (2015). Distinguishing between texture and shading flows for 3D shape estimation. Presented at Visual Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Appearance controls interpretation of orientation flows for 3D shape estimation
Steven A. Cholewiak, Romain Vergne, Benjamin Kunsberg, Steven W. Zucker, & Roland W. Fleming (2015). Appearance controls interpretation of orientation flows for 3D shape estimation. Presented at Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Predicting 3D shape perception from shading and texture flows
Cholewiak, Steven A., Kunsberg, Benjamin, Zucker, Steven W., & Fleming, Roland W. (2014). Predicting 3D shape perception from shading and texture flows. Presented at Visual Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. doi: 10.1167/14.10.1113
Limits on the estimation of shape from specular surfaces
Mazzarella, Julia E., Cholewiak, Steven A., Phillips, Flip, & Fleming, Roland W. (2014). Limits on the estimation of shape from specular surfaces. Presented at Visual Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. doi: 10.1167/14.10.721
Towards a unified explanation of shape from shading and texture
Cholewiak, Steven A. & Fleming, Roland W. (2013). Towards a unified explanation of shape from shading and texture. Presented at Visual Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, USA. doi: 10.1167/13.9.258

Naive physics

Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3D objects
Cholewiak, Steven A., Fleming, Roland W., & Singh, Manish (2015). Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3D objects. Journal of Vision, 15(2), 1-11. doi: 10.1167/15.2.13
Visual perception of the physical stability of asymmetric three-dimensional objects
Cholewiak, Steven A., Fleming, Roland W., & Singh, Manish (2013). Visual perception of the physical stability of asymmetric three-dimensional objects. Journal of Vision, 13(4), 1-13. doi: 10.1167/13.4.12
The tipping point: Visual estimation of the physical stability of three-dimensional objects
Cholewiak, Steven A. (2012). The tipping point: Visual estimation of the physical stability of three-dimensional objects (Doctoral dissertation).


Discrimination of real and virtual surfaces with sinusoidal and triangular gratings using the fingertip and stylus
Kocsis, Matthew B., Cholewiak, Steven A., Traylor, Ryan M., Adelstein, Bernard D., Hirleman, E. Daniel, & Tan, Hong Z. (2013). Discrimination of real and virtual surfaces with sinusoidal and triangular gratings using the fingertip and stylus. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 6(2), 181-192. doi: 10.1109/TOH.2012.31
A frequency-domain analysis of haptic gratings
Cholewiak, Steven A., Kim, Kwangtaek, Tan, Hong Z., & Adelstein, Bernard D. (2010). A frequency-domain analysis of haptic gratings. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 3(1), 3-14. doi: 10.1109/TOH.2009.36
Haptic identification of stiffness and force magnitude
Cholewiak, Steven A., Tan, Hong Z., & Ebert, David S. (2008). Haptic identification of stiffness and force magnitude. In Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, (pp. 87-91). doi: 10.1109/HAPTICS.2008.4479918

Perceptual Summary Statistics

Perceptual estimation of variance in orientation and its dependence on sample size
Cholewiak, Steven A. (2010). Perceptual estimation of variance in orientation and its dependence on sample size (Master's Thesis).
Perceptual estimation of variance in orientation and its dependence on sample size
Cholewiak, Steven A. & Singh, Manish (2009). Perceptual estimation of variance in orientation and its dependence on sample size. Presented at Visual Sciences Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, USA. doi: 10.1167/9.8.1019